Discover How an Ancient Indonesian Morning Ritual Can Skyrocket a Middle-Aged Metabolism

Transform Your Life with This Quick, 90-Second Quiz

(BEFORE you take the survey, we HIGHLY RECOMMEND reading the short, 30 second story below. Read that, then simply scroll back up to take the survey.)

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answers below:

For best results, Be as honest as possible

Question 1: Are You a Man or a Woman?

...and go straight to the Indonesian body-shaping secret I learned AFTER my heartbreaking divorce…

Don’t Let Divorce or a Nasty Breakup Be the Reason Why You Change Your Life…

These are the most painful words I could ever type... but I’ll type them anyway because YOU need to hear them.

My marriage didn't have to end in divorce.

My husband didn’t have to leave me for a younger woman.


...and even though, deep down, I saw the warning signs a mile away…

...I did nothing.

I engaged in wishful thinking.

Instead of finding a way to shed my unwanted fat, increase my energy, and make myself look younger…

I clung to all the usual excuses. “I’m just too busy...I don’t have the time...I’m okay with being ‘okay’ looking…”
The part that stings the most is that ALL of this could’ve been avoided with a simple, 30 second morning ritual.

I didn’t know about this ritual at the time...since it’s actually an ancient Indonesian secret I NEVER would’ve found unless I was looking for it.

But after the divorce, I was desperate. I was in so much pain. I NEEDED to find a fast, easy, sustainable way to manage my health…

So I went on a wild goose chase across the globe (well...Internet) to find a way to consistently lose the most weight in the least amount of time.

After all...divorce takes up a TON of time. I was so busy meeting with attorneys, filling out paperwork, and crying on my friends’ shoulders I couldn’t even find 10 minutes to work out every day.

And no, I wasn’t interested in “cleaning up my diet” -- I was on the brink of emotional collapse. I NEEDED my comfort foods so I wouldn’t go crazy.

So I skipped right past the usual fad diets (Keto, Paleo, Carnivore, Atkins, Whole 30, Low Carb, High Carb, etc.)

And I skipped past the exercise fads (boot camp, HIIT, Crossfit, Curves, Burn Boot Camp, Beach Body, F45, etc.)

And instead looked for ONE thing I could do EVERY day.

I knew it had to be something I could do even on the days I didn’t want to get out of bed.
The divorce was so painful and draining...I just wasn’t in the mood to “crush it” or “smash my fitness goals” or whatever.

I was a heartbroken woman trying to put her life...actually...trying to put HERSELF back together.

I thought, “I’ll start with my body...because if I could just look in the mirror and love myself again I’ll be okay.”

I went through so many failed attempts.

So many teas, powders, pills, and at home gadgets that did NOTHING but burn a hole in my wallet.

Until, almost by accident, I stumbled across an obscure Indonesian morning ritual…

Something that would COMPLETELY change my life…

...Something I still do to this day, which has me feeling more alive, beautiful, and confident than I felt even in my 20’s.

And as crazy as this might sound…

Sometimes I wonder if my husband leaving is the best thing that ever happened to me.

But enough about me...this is about you.

You see the real cause of weight gain and stalled results has nothing to do with:

  • Which workouts you choose...
  • ​How hard you workout...
  • ​​How often or how long you workout...
  • ​​How many calories you eat per day...
  • ​​Sugar, carbohydrates, or fat...
  • ​Your thyroid, hormones, or stress level
  • ​Or even genetics and your age...

That’s what biased “health” companies and “experts” WANT you to believe. It turns out, as long as you feel ashamed of yourself and blame yourself...they get to charge you to “fix” you.


That’s the beauty of this little ritual -- it uses ancient Indonesian techniques to correct the damage FORCED ON US by our toxic modern world and big food companies trying to keep us hooked on junk.

Now it’s your turn.

So if you’re ready to finally have the body you want...I recommend you scroll up now or click below to take this short quiz, so you can find the health, joy, and freedom you deserve (without the heart break).

“Restart” a Middle Aged Metabolism?

ALL Exercises Will Fail if THIS Isn’t Working

You simply cannot out-work a stalled, “sleeping” metabolism. That’s why it’s important to make sure your metabolism is fully activated before you try any other workouts.

Perfect for Any Fitness Level

No matter what your fitness background looks like, the metabolism is key. This is the one thing ANYONE can do differently that will have the biggest impact.

Find What Works and Keep Doing It

People LOVE this because it works no matter what else is going on with their lives. Your metabolism is fundamental to your health and body shape so when you get this right, everything is easier.

100% Real

This works whether you believe in it or not. That’s the definition of science, and this is 100% based in real, proven science.

Or if you can’t stand quizzes…

...and go straight to skyrocketing that middle aged metabolism with ancient Indonesian secrets!

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Disclaimer: All information provided is for educational use only. Always consult with your doctor or primary care physician prior to starting any new health or fitness routine.